Uk acquisitions and consumer behaviour

“How Acquisitions Influence Consumer Behaviour in the UK”

Have you ever wondered how market consolidations affect your daily shopping choices?

Consumer behaviour in the UK has shifted a lot during the cost of living crisis. Market acquisitions have played a big part. Barclaycard data shows over half of Britons cut back on extra spending, focusing on essentials instead.

Shoppers think twice before buying expensive items now. They want more value and products that last longer. Both Millennials and Gen X are looking for better deals and options more frequently. This shows how UK market consolidations make people react differently to acquisitions.

Brands are changing how they market to support consumers better. They offer tools to track spending and flexible payment options. “Buy-now-pay-later” schemes are becoming very popular. The fitness and wellness industries have adjusted too, with more flexible services.

Companies are carefully checking that their marketing spending pays off. They focus on being open and understanding people’s money worries. It’s vital for brands to grasp how acquisitions change consumer behaviour.

Gen Zs in the UK now buy 32% of their clothes second-hand. This push for more sustainable and valuable shopping has created a £7bn market. It shows a major change in how people shop, forcing brands to rethink their strategies.

So, how can businesses stay in line with changing consumer expectations in this new, acquisition-driven market?

Overview of UK Acquisitions and Market Trends

The UK’s market trends have changed a lot lately. This change is due to quick digital growth sparked by the pandemic. Also, companies are merging to meet new consumer needs. In 2023, there were 18% fewer deals in the UK than in 2022, showing the market is adjusting.

Last year, the total money spent on deals was £83bn, down from £269bn in 2021. However, private equity is still leading, making up 42% of deals. They are investing mainly in tech, energy, pharma, and healthcare.

Many top bosses think making deals is key to staying ahead. Yet, 21% of CEOs worry their firms might fail in ten years without change.

Finding funds for deals is tougher and more costly now, especially through private credit. Some sectors like tech and health are doing well. Consumer markets, however, are not as active.

The CMA has saved the public over £2 billion in three years. It has looked into 13 deals a year since Brexit. But, 57% of deals were stopped after a full review from 2019 to 2024. And, 75% of deals had problems or needed changes after being reviewed.

Despite these challenges, M&A deals in the UK might go up by 30-40% next year. The start of 2023 saw deals swing from 141 in January to 100 in February, then up to 115 in March. The value of incoming M&A was £12.7 billion, while domestic M&A was at £1.8 billion for the first quarter of 2023.

In 2022, the tech sector made up 35% of the UK’s deals. Wiring in, international deals formed 43% of all transactions, showing global interest in the UK.

The Impact of Economic Factors on Consumer Behaviour

The economic scene in the UK greatly shapes how people shop. The rising cost of living and inflation make 81% of Brits change their buying habits. Specially, Millennials and Gen X feel the pinch, with most finding it tough. This results in varied spending ways.

Inflation really makes people think about their choices, with 57% naming it as their top worry. This leads to a 29% jump in “buy-now-pay-later” deals, showing a move towards smarter shopping. Gen Z is keen on new online shopping ways, more so than older generations.

Many are cutting back on gym memberships because living costs are too high, affecting about 5 million Brits. Confidence in spending is low, affecting big purchases. This puts retail shops under stress, with 40% struggling due to higher costs.

With inflation, people see value differently, expecting a 3.2% drop in retail sales in 2023. Even the well-off plan to spend differently. Small UK shops might raise prices because of rising expenses, with 80% considering it.

McKinsey finds 4 in 10 UK companies might spend more on marketing to handle economic ups and downs. Only 15.3% see a cut in spending. How consumers react to spending pressures is key for businesses wanting to keep their loyalty despite shaky purchasing power.

Consumer Sentiment and Spending Patterns

Consumer feelings in the UK have changed as worries about the economy grow. The consumer sentiment index dropped slightly from -4 in January to -5 by March 2024. Yet, it’s still better than March 2023’s -25. Now, over 70% think inflation will change how they spend money this year. Around 33% plan to buy less in the next three months, which is less than before. But, 29% say they won’t reduce their spending, an increase from last year’s 22%.

UK’s spending habits on extra things show this changing mood. Even with a bit more hope, the cost of living worry is strong. People are cautious about buying things they don’t really need, except food. Those under 35 feel better about their money than older or working classes. Young people focus on health and clothes, while over 45s prefer spending on holidays, even if less than before.

UK consumer confidence hit a peak not seen in 2.5 years at -11% in the first quarter of 2024. This was a big jump from its lowest in late 2022. With this rise, people feel less gloomy about their money and debts. Yet, spending on extras dropped by 3.2 points to -5.1% early in 2024. On the other hand, everyday spending went up a bit. These trends highlight why it’s key to know how consumer feelings change and plan business moves wisely.

UK Acquisitions and Consumer Behaviour

UK Acquisitions deeply influence consumer behaviour, changing spending habits and loyalty. For example, acquisitions can weaken the brand strength of acquired companies. The purchase of GROM by Unilever and The Body Shop by L’Oréal are cases where customers reacted negatively after the buyout. It shows how vital it is to look into consumer reactions before making a deal.

Uk acquisitions impact

About 27% of Gen Zers are open to new ways of shopping, like ordering food through apps. This is in contrast to 10% of Gen Xers and only 4% of Boomers. This difference shows that how people adapt to new shopping technologies depends on their age, especially after a company is bought. Also, a significant 29% rise in the use of “buy-now-pay-later” schemes in retail last year shows a change in how people choose to pay.

Keeping strategic focus and brand value is crucial to keep consumer trust. With 81% of Brits changing how they shop due to the cost of living, brands must stay genuine after being bought. Interestingly, 85% of customers think companies should cut back on marketing to cope with rising costs. This suggests changing expectations from consumers after a company changes hands. Brands need to handle these shifts to keep their value strong.

Brand Loyalty and Switching Behaviour

In the UK, 74% of people stay true to their favourite brands. Yet, many are starting to switch to other brands. This is most common among the young who want better deals. In 2021, an impressive 92% of UK customers remained loyal to Apple, proving the strength of retaining customers.

About 62% of UK folks will only buy from brands they totally trust. This shows how key trust is in keeping customers close. Also, 60% of UK workers are boosting efforts in customer engagement, aiming to better meet customer needs. A whopping 78% of customers say they will stick with brands that send personalised messages.

Companies are improving their loyalty programmes, with 78.6% planning big changes soon. These efforts are working – 55.8% of UK businesses are happy with the results, seeing higher sales and profits. It shows that good loyalty schemes are essential for keeping customers.

Nearly 67.7% of firms are upping their game in keeping customers despite economic challenges. About 59% of customers want companies to use their data to improve experiences. This shows a big demand for businesses to understand and meet customer needs better.

Fast customer support is vital for keeping customers, with one in ten expecting quick replies. Bad service can push 49% of customers away, showing the importance of good customer interactions. Excellent service not only leads to immediate sales but also builds lasting loyalty.

Sector-Specific Consumer Behaviour

In the current economy, certain industries see big changes in how people buy things. The fitness world, for example, is shifting. People now look for gym memberships or classes they can pay for as they go. This is because many are feeling the pinch of living costs. Companies in this area must change how they work to keep their customers.

The world of marketing and ads is also staying strong, despite ups and downs in the economy. Firms are keen to keep their marketing spend the same. They focus on efforts that clearly show a good use of money. This way, they can deal better with how differently people are choosing to buy things now.

The car industry has seen interesting changes too. In early 2024, the UK saw a 10% rise in new car sales compared to early 2023. But, even with more cars being sold, fewer people chose electric ones. This points out that companies need to talk more about the benefits of electric cars. They also need to make charging less of a worry for buyers.

UK’s new rules for digital markets are also affecting how tech and telecom companies act. Businesses that are very important in these areas have to follow strict rules. They also have to report if they buy other companies and change how they work to fit new laws. This is all to keep customers happy and keep a good reputation.

It’s very important for businesses to understand these changes and how people’s buying habits are shifting. Staying up to date and putting customers first can help them survive and do well. Adapting and being flexible is key in this fast-changing business world.

The Role of Digital Transformation in Consumer Behaviour

Digital transformation is changing how consumers behave, especially in the UK. This change sped up during the pandemic. It made people rely more on digital ways for shopping and more. Because of this, complaints have gone up as satisfaction dropped. This is likely because digital services didn’t meet people’s high expectations.

Studies show that digital transformation makes customers better informed. This is because digital tools are easy to access. It leads to people using many digital platforms to talk to companies. So, companies must change their ways to keep up with these digital-first habits.

Now, there’s more talk between customers on social media and forums. This shows how crucial a digital presence is in forming opinions. If a company seems too expensive or has bad online service, people will quickly switch. This means companies must focus on being great online.

Customers really value how easy a service is to use when judging businesses. Innovations like AR and VR are becoming key to meet these needs. Businesses like Hopin that adapt digital solutions get a lot of investment. This shows where the digital trend is heading.

The University of Birmingham has become a leader in digital marketing research. In 2021, it published 56 pieces on this topic, with the UK being at the forefront. Journals like “Industrial Marketing Management” play a big role in understanding these trends.

Traditional branding doesn’t win trust like before. So, companies must become digital-first to stay in the game. The need to adapt to these new consumer behaviours is clear for all businesses.

How Marketing Strategies Respond to Changing Consumer Behaviour

When economic crises hit, companies often cut costs, including marketing budgets. This move from growth to survival requires a new strategy. Being adaptable in marketing is key during these times. It helps businesses match their strategies with what customers now need and want.

History shows that brands who keep up their marketing during tough times tend to come out ahead. Coca-Cola’s ‘Thirst Knows No Season’ campaign during the Great Depression is a perfect example. Also, during the 2008 financial crisis, Apple’s ‘Get a Mac’ campaign made their message clear and valuable. This increased loyalty and engagement with their consumers.

Marketing adaptation to consumer shifts

During tough times, firms focus on marketing strategies that show clear, immediate returns. Amazon’s approach in the COVID-19 pandemic adapted to what consumers needed right away. Such strategies help keep customers engaged and make the brand more visible.

Companies look more closely at their marketing spending when the economy is uncertain. They might spend less on broad brand campaigns that are hard to tie directly to sales. Yet, focusing on clear and helpful messages can really speak to customers. This not only fits the current economic situation but also helps the brand grow in the future.

Marketing well during economic downturns brings benefits like stronger brand loyalty and happier customers. By tuning into changing customer behaviour, businesses can craft campaigns that really hit the mark. This ensures survival in the short term and success in the long run.

Case Studies of Acquisitions Affecting Consumer Behaviour

Marks and Spencer has been around for 136 years and is a big name in British retail. It once held a 14% share of the UK clothing market in the late 1990s. But when they opened a store in Canada in the 1970s, results varied. This shows why it’s vital to analyse how buying a brand affects things, especially abroad. Studies from this show local culture and market details are crucial in overseas success or failure.

In the fashion world, many international efforts don’t work out, stressing the need for specific market strategies. Yet, tech acquisitions like Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard have seen better success. Here, aligning strategies and adding value have boosted how customers act and view products.

But, buying companies like The Body Shop by L’Oréal and GROM by Unilever has upset customers. It shows that people care about brand truth and loyalty.

In the drinks market, Thailand loves Oishi green tea, which more than half choose as their favourite. A study with 50 people, analysed with SPSS (version 19.0), found that what consumers think and quality matter a lot in their choices.

The green tea business in Thailand, worth almost 9000 million baht, also highlights other important factors. Convenience, taste, choice of flavours, price, and how products are packaged matter to consumers. These points show that understanding customers needs looking at many different aspects.

Negative Consumer Reactions to Brand Acquisitions

Brand acquisitions can lead to major backlash. This is often because consumers feel a loss of authenticity and brand value. In 2019, acquisitions hit $2.3 trillion globally (JP Morgan 2020). Yet, many consumers see this as bad news. Unilever’s purchase of GROM is an example. Before this deal, 83% thought it was bad news (Bottero 2015). It led to less interest and store closures.

L’Oréal buying The Body Shop also saw a drop in ratings (BBC 2006). The Body Shop had over 2,000 stores worldwide. But, after the buy-out, its brand value fell sharply. This shows how acquisitions can hurt both the brand being bought and the buyer.

Negative reactions often come from a brand losing its realness. News and word of mouth can change how loyal customers feel. To avoid backlash, it’s key to maintain the acquired brand’s core values.

There’s still much to learn about consumer responses to brand acquisitions. Managers need to think about potential backlash carefully. Clear communication and keeping the brand’s essence can reduce negative reactions. This way, both brands can succeed after joining forces.

Strategies for Mitigating Negative Reactions

Managing acquisition backlash takes a well-rounded approach. It’s crucial to keep consumers’ trust and stay loyal to the brand. A big part of this is staying true to the brand’s identity. During a brand takeover, keeping its original values is essential. This means having a consistent leadership that keeps the brand’s voice and direction clear.

It’s also key to make sure both brands’ values match well. Doing this can soften the blow consumers might feel. Keeping everyone informed is vital. It helps avoid misunderstandings and keeps the brand’s values clear to its audience.

Listening to what consumers say after buying a brand is really important. It guides how to brand strategies should be shaped. An authentic message that meets consumers’ expectations is crucial. It maintains brand value and trust. Following these steps reduces negative reactions, making merging smooth and keeping loyal customers happy.


The retail industry makes up 5.2% of the UK’s GDP as of 2020. It has changed a lot because of acquisitions and shifting population trends. The market’s size has doubled since the late twentieth century, showing how buying habits have evolved due to economic and cultural changes.

More young people and a vibrant mix of cultures have changed how people shop, especially for clothes and food. TikTok, which is gaining popularity in the UK, helps marketers reach varied audiences. It’s important to understand these trends to keep customers loyal.

Looking at real examples shows us that keeping a brand genuine matters when companies merge. The stories of Wesfarmers with Homebase and Hilco’s work are examples. They show the ups and downs of merging companies. Also, what shoppers want and need, based on Maslow’s theory, affects their buying choices. Keeping an eye on these changing needs helps tailor brand strategies.

Protecting a brand’s value and being true to what it stands for is key. Companies must think carefully about how customers see them when they join with or buy other companies. They need to match their marketing to the UK’s current economy and cultural mix.

Written by
Scott Dylan
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Scott Dylan

Scott Dylan

Scott Dylan

Scott Dylan is the Co-founder of Inc & Co, a seasoned entrepreneur, investor, and business strategist renowned for his adeptness in turning around struggling companies and driving sustainable growth.

As the Co-Founder of Inc & Co, Scott has been instrumental in the acquisition and revitalization of various businesses across multiple industries, from digital marketing to logistics and retail. With a robust background that includes a mix of creative pursuits and legal studies, Scott brings a unique blend of creativity and strategic rigor to his ventures. Beyond his professional endeavors, he is deeply committed to philanthropy, with a special focus on mental health initiatives and community welfare.

Scott's insights and experiences inform his writings, which aim to inspire and guide other entrepreneurs and business leaders. His blog serves as a platform for sharing his expert strategies, lessons learned, and the latest trends affecting the business world.


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