Uk mergers in the construction industry

“Mergers in the UK Construction Industry: Building Stronger Foundations”

How are mergers changing the UK construction sector after the pandemic? Could these new strategies unlock huge growth?

The UK construction sector is seeing lots of mergers and takeovers. This helps businesses grow and become more focused. Big names like Stuart Milne Group and Altrad are getting involved, aiming to increase their value and focus.

Some big deals have been happening. Stuart Milne Group sold a big part of its business. Altrad bought RMD Kwikform. And Pimlico Plumbers has a new owner from the USA. This shows how mergers are reshaping the industry.

Companies are merging to become stronger after the pandemic. They want to stand out in a crowded market. Mergers are becoming key for the construction industry’s future.

Introduction to Mergers in the Construction Industry

The UK construction industry has changed a lot due to M&A trends. Since the 1990s, more companies have joined forces. This has made the biggest firms even larger and increased their reach and skills.

Not just big companies, but also smaller ones are getting together. They sometimes prefer to grow on their own, too. From 1988 to 2013, the top 25 UK construction firms changed a lot because of this.

Early research showed that growing on their own was the main way companies got bigger in the 1990s. Buying other firms was also key, as was working with others. This shows how the construction sector adapts to different situations.

It’s clear that being able to change is crucial in construction. A good example is how Kier recovered and grew after tough times. This shows how merging can help companies do better even when it’s hard.

By 2013, mergers and buys were worth USD 2.2 trillion globally. Companies like Stanmore have grown faster than others. This shows how important these moves are to face market challenges, bring new ideas, and make the sector stronger.

The Role of Mergers in Industry Growth

Mergers have played a key role in growing the UK construction sector. They’ve shaped the sector’s development and sparked strategic changes. A study of the top 25 Construction Professional Services Firms (CPSFs) from 1988 to 2013 shows their effect. It highlights how these moves have increased size, global reach, and diversity of services since the 1990s.

From 1990 to 1998, 62.5% of growth in European engineering consulting firms was organic. Meanwhile, M&A’s contributed 32.5% to the UK construction growth. During this time, big public companies led acquisitions. Small, private firms focused on growing themselves. The value of global M&A reached $2.2 trillion in 2013, showing the importance of these actions.

The study used historical data, company reports, websites, and insider insights. Firms like Arup, Mace, and Mott MacDonald grew uniquely, affecting the industry. Key takeovers, like Lindab’s buyout of HAS-Vent and Heidelberg Materials buying Mick George Ltd, highlight strategic shifts through mergers.

Mergers have changed the UK construction scene, pushing a shift to more knowledge and skill-based competition. They keep reshaping the industry, leading to consolidation and growth. The effect of these mergers on growth is deep and varied.

Key Drivers of Mergers in the UK Construction Market

The UK construction market sees mergers and acquisitions (M&A) for many reasons. Companies look for strategic growth and want to offer more services. From 1988 to 2013, big deals increased the size and reach of major companies in the UK. Larger listed companies often buy smaller ones, which usually grow on their own but sometimes make strategic purchases.

Between 1990 and 1998, most of the growth among top European engineering firms was organic. But M&A was still a big part of their growth strategy. In 2013, M&A hit a peak with deals worth USD 2.2 trillion, showing how important these activities are in the construction industry.

Drivers of m&a

UK contractors who bought other companies saw quick benefits. However, the financial gains for the buyers were small. This points to the need for closer study into what makes M&A successful. Compared to other industries, there’s less academic work on growth strategies in construction. This suggests a gap that needs filling.

In the coming years, more companies in the UK construction sector are expected to merge. This is partly due to economic recovery. Medium-sized firms might join bigger ones or get bought. These trends show the changing landscape of the UK construction market, influenced by economic conditions and a need for strong, varied services.

Case Studies of Significant Mergers

In the UK, big construction mergers have really changed the game. Businesses like Geoffrey Osborne Limited and Keller Group have made big moves. Geoffrey Osborne sold its infrastructure part to Sullivan Street. Keller Group talked about buying more UK companies. These steps help them stay strong in the competition.

From 1988 to 2013, there was a big jump in merging and buying companies in construction. This helped UK firms grow big, go international, and cover more areas of work. Most of this growth happened on their own, but mergers and joint ventures played a big part too.

Big public companies have been buying up others more than smaller private ones. After merging, the companies being bought often do well at first. But the ones doing the buying don’t always make more money. This shows merging companies is not simple.

Looking at the top 25 UK construction service firms, their growth from mergers varies. Some got to the top without merging a lot. Interviews with bosses from firms like Arup and Mace reveal why they chose to merge or not.

UK Mergers in the Construction Industry

The UK construction industry sees big changes due to mergers and acquisitions. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is looking into Lindab’s purchase of HAS-Vent from Birmingham. They worry this deal could limit competition in the duct supply sector.

Gallagher, earlier known as Hanson, changed its name to Heidelberg Materials. It agreed to buy Mick George Ltd for £228 million. This happened after the CMA stopped an inquiry into a merger between two aggregates companies.

Barratt’s takeover of Redrow is a huge event in the construction sector. It’s expected to save £90 million in costs. This deal will make them the biggest housebuilder in the UK.

M Group Services has got into renewable energy by buying AgilityEco, which works on making homes greener. The deal’s cost is not shared. Byldis UK, good at modern building methods, was bought by Mutares, a Dutch firm. The price wasn’t disclosed, showing interest in new building ways.

Van Elle Holdings bought Galliford Try’s Rock & Alluvium for up to £3.8 million. This move is for growth. Brickability bought Topek, a cladding company in Scotland, for nearly £45 million. It’s their 12th buy since 2019.

Osborne sold its property maintenance part, Osborne Property Services (OPSL), to Cardo Group. This lets them focus more on construction and development.

The CMA started a phase 1 investigation on 19 September 2023. They’re studying Hanson Quarry Products Europe Limited’s plan to buy Mick George Limited. There are worries this could reduce competition for building materials in some areas. The look into non-specialist aggregates and ready-mix concrete in local markets shows the importance of this analysis.

Impact on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

SMEs in the building sector are facing fast changes due to many mergers. In the last quarter of 2023, there were 367 mergers in construction. This was 33 fewer than before. These changes bring both problems and chances. Mergers can deeply affect SMEs, changing the market and demanding new strategies.

SMEs might find it harder to compete as the market joins together, with big companies getting better at getting funds and supplies. Yet, merging offers SMEs a chance to enter bigger markets, find new funding ways, and innovate to stay ahead. They need to focus on being valued right and getting good business advice to succeed in the evolving building field.

SMEs are vital in the UK’s market, making up nearly all of it. They provide lots of jobs and about half of the private sector’s income. With outward mergers growing by £1.1 billion in late 2023, SMEs’ role is clear. Using mergers to spark innovation is key for SMEs in construction. This will help them stay important and grow in a tough market.

Regulatory and Financial Implications of Mergers

Mergers in the UK’s construction industry have big effects. Since the 1990s, more mergers have changed the industry’s look. They’ve made companies bigger, more international, and multidisciplinary.

Following M&A rules is essential. Companies must do careful checks and financial reviews. Big, publicly-listed companies tend to buy others more eagerly. In contrast, smaller, private firms choose carefully, focusing on growing from within. This shows how diverse their strategies can be.

Looking at the top 25 UK construction firms from 1988 to 2013 tells us a lot. Despite the trend, three firms grew big without merging. This proves there are different ways to succeed. The total value of mergers hit USD 2.2 trillion in 2013, showing their importance for growth.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) takes a close look at mergers. For example, it examined the Hanson and Mick George Limited merger closely. It was worried about less competition in local markets. Hanson and MGL, critical suppliers, were under the microscope to keep competition fair.

The CMA’s reports show how failing to address these worries can lead to problems. Firms must deal with many rules to stay legal and financially sound. If Hanson and MGL can’t satisfy the CMA soon, a more thorough investigation could delay their plans.

Strict rules and financial care are key for mergers in this industry. They help companies grow while sticking to the rules. This keeps the market open and fair for everyone.

The Future of the Construction Industry Post-Merger

The coming years will show how mergers affect the construction industry. The last few decades saw more companies joining forces in the UK’s construction sector. The focus was on the biggest 25 firms from 1988 to 2013. Larger companies were often the ones making these moves, unlike smaller, private ones.

Mergers will lead to more focus and better tech in construction. historical records show how growth happened among Europe’s leading engineering firms. Most growth was through their own efforts, then mergers, and finally, partnerships. This shows how important mergers and strategic plans are for growth.

Even though mergers bring new strategies and growth, the financial gains can be small. Still, firms believe mergers are key for global success and keeping up with market changes. The UK’s merger market saw a significant increase in 2023, with £12.7 billion from foreign deals.

Firms adjusting well after mergers will shape the future of construction. The industry will move towards a global, innovative approach due to these mergers. With every merger, the industry will focus more on special skills, technology, and strategic positions.

Mergers as a Strategy for Digital Transformation

The UK construction landscape is rapidly changing, with digital growth at its core. Mergers are now key for Construction Professional Services Firms (CPSFs) to boost their tech progress. These mergers help firms update old systems and grow their tech skills smoothly.

A key incident is the global chip shortage, pushing a major UK chipmaker to buy a specialist manufacturer. This step aimed to fix supply chain issues and strengthen construction’s digital growth. Through such mergers, companies can develop a team skilled in digital, which is vital in today’s competitive market.

Digital transformation in construction

Mergers combine resources and know-how, making it easier to introduce advanced technologies. Teaming up with private equity firms is becoming common in the UK to enhance tech progress and operational strength. This teamwork is essential for transforming and updating construction firms to stay relevant in a tech-heavy sector.

Companies often decide to build, buy, or collaborate to meet strategic aims. An example is the partnership between an aircraft producer, a gas supplier, and an airport operator. They aimed to boost hydrogen use for cleaner energy. It shows digital growth in construction isn’t just about new tech but also about creating strategic partnerships for innovation and eco-friendliness.

Major deals, like Amey’s sale to One Equity Partners and Buckthorn Partners for £245m, show the push towards digital integration. The acquisitions by WSP, including those from Capita and John Wood Group for over £1.5bn, prove the value of mergers in digital transformation. These deals highlight how critical mergers are for construction firms to succeed in digital changes.

With ongoing global and economic shifts, mergers are vital for the UK construction sector’s tech progress and long-term resilience. By seizing these opportunities, firms can boost their digital skills and stay ahead in a digital-driven market.

Challenges and Risks Associated with Mergers

In the UK construction scene, tackling M&A calls for careful strategic planning. Mergers bring risks, affecting both companies involved. Challenges like blending cultures, keeping talent, and syncing business models are key for success.

Construction mergers face financial, operational, and legal risks. It’s crucial to do thorough due diligence. This means checking financials, assets, and even the environment to avoid surprises.

External factors add more challenges to M&A. For example, trade issues, Brexit, and inflation can alter decisions. Also, laws and competition rules can make joining forces across borders tricky.

Strategy in construction M&A includes using insurance for risk management. Firms like Marsh UK offer specific insurances for these purposes. This helps handle both clear and possible future problems effectively.

To wrap up, mastering M&A challenges needs an all-around approach. With good planning and risk handling, companies can achieve more from their mergers. This is how they grow and bring new ideas to the UK construction industry.


The UK construction industry is changing a lot because of mergers. Big deals like Barratt and Redrow’s or Mick George Ltd joining with Heidelberg Materials show this. These changes are making the industry better and more competitive.

Spending on buying other companies went up from £13 billion to an amazing £285 billion. This shows how important mergers are for growth. By looking at over 100 companies, we see mergers help save money and grow bigger.

When companies join together, they have to check the rules carefully, like when Lindab bought HAS-Vent. Deals like Van Elle and Rock & Alluvium’s or Brickability’s purchase of Topek make the industry stronger. The UK construction industry is becoming smarter and more ready for the future thanks to these strategies.

Written by
Scott Dylan
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Scott Dylan

Scott Dylan

Scott Dylan

Scott Dylan is the Co-founder of Inc & Co, a seasoned entrepreneur, investor, and business strategist renowned for his adeptness in turning around struggling companies and driving sustainable growth.

As the Co-Founder of Inc & Co, Scott has been instrumental in the acquisition and revitalization of various businesses across multiple industries, from digital marketing to logistics and retail. With a robust background that includes a mix of creative pursuits and legal studies, Scott brings a unique blend of creativity and strategic rigor to his ventures. Beyond his professional endeavors, he is deeply committed to philanthropy, with a special focus on mental health initiatives and community welfare.

Scott's insights and experiences inform his writings, which aim to inspire and guide other entrepreneurs and business leaders. His blog serves as a platform for sharing his expert strategies, lessons learned, and the latest trends affecting the business world.


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