What makes a business negotiation truly transformative? It’s about mastering strategy and understanding people. These skills are vital for every business leader. In UK business circles, good negotiation is key to turning a business around...
Have you ever wondered about what revives a failing organisation? It’s not just about money management and plans. The mental side of leading is key. Leaders, guiding their teams, keep them from failing. They focus on leadership development...
Having a good mind for business and great ideas isn’t always what it takes to be the best leader and run a successful company. One of the most important skills that any leader can learn is the art of listening.When you’re rushed off your feet and...
Keeping your team morale up and maintaining a positive working environment for staff goes hand-in-hand with a high standard of work your team produces and improved performance. Conversely, workplace negativity drains the energy from your...
Successful leadership is a key skill for any entrepreneur. Whereas some people are natural-born leaders and can effortlessly take control of teams and projects, others have to develop the skills necessary for being a strong leader. To know what...